Moddable One

A beautiful, affordable color touch screen with Wi-Fi

Designed and built for developers

Moddable One is powered by the breakthrough 80 MHz ESP8266 microcontroller and features integrated Wi-Fi. The 4 MB of flash memory has plenty of room to store your project's graphics and other data. The bright IPS display looks good from every angle, and works in both portrait and landscape orientations.

Moddable One is perfect for small projects and projects that need to incorporate existing ESP8266 software libraries.

Moddable One Specifications

  • ESP8266 module
    • 80 MHz Xtensa processor
    • Wi-Fi
    • 80 KB RAM
    • 4 MB flash
  • 2.4” LCD display
    • High brightness IPS display
    • Looks great from every angle
    • 240 x 320 pixels (QVGA)
    • Portrait and landscape orientations
    • 16-bit color
    • ILI9341 display controller
    • FT6206 capacitive-touch controller
  • 14 pins for external components
    • Digital, I²C, SPI, PWM, analog input
  • Fits into your project design
    • Thin form factor
    • Mounting holes
  • Power
    • 3.3V and 5V outputs
    • 5V input
  • Moddable Programmer port
    • Install project firmware
    • Connect to xsbug JavaScript debugger
  • Moddable SDK
    • Modern, industry standard JavaScript for rapid development of robust, secure firmware
    • Native C code for performance and integrating existing libraries
    • Piu UI framework for building touch user interfaces
    • Poco graphics renderer for high performance text and animation
    • Secure TLS connections with HTTP, WebSockets, and MQTT
    • Local networking with mDNS
    • Fully open source – available on GitHub
    • Thoroughly documented
    • Hundreds of example apps

Moddable One Pinouts

The expansion header on Moddable One has seven programmable pins that allow you to communicate with variety of peripherals using digital, analog input, PWM, I²C, and SPI. There's also 3.3V and ground pins to power your peripherals.

The programmer header has two additional pins which you can use for serial or digital communication when not using the debugger.

For convenience, there's also a built-in LED and programmable push button.

Moddable One Dimensions

Working with Moddable One


Animations on a Display Powered by a $1 Wi-Fi Controller

If you walk by the Moddable office in downtown Palo Alto, you’ll see a collection of eye-catching screens in the window. The latest to be added is a Moddable One displaying a series of animations. If you can’t make it by the office, you can see the animations in this video. To a casual observer…

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Introducing an Expanding Keyboard for Small Screens

This article describes my work to build a classic LED style clock using the Moddable SDK. That might surprise you because a key feature of the Moddable SDK is the ability to add interactive, animated touch screens to IoT products.

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View the Developer Guide

The hardware specific Developers Guides are part of the extensive documention available on the Moddable GitHub site.


Using More Fonts More Easily in IoT Products

The fonts displayed on the screen of an IoT product are a key part of its brand, establishing the overall feel of the product. All of Moddable’s commercial clients use the custom font support in the Moddable SDK to brand their products.

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QR Code module for the Moddable SDK

In recent months, Moddable has received inquiries for the ability to render a QR Code in the Moddable SDK. This article describes the module we created to support QR Code rendering, together with some of the design and implementation choices we made along the way to provide efficient and flexible QR Code support.

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Scalable Outlines: New Flexibility for Embedded UX

Delivering a modern user experience on low-cost embedded hardware has been a key focus of the Moddable SDK from the start. The Moddable SDK is regularly updated with new rendering capabilities to expand the kinds of user experiences that can be created.

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JavaScript for Embedded

Moddable is the only embedded engine developer on the JavaScript language committee. We joined to ensure JavaScript remains a great language for use in embedded. Here's our original presentation to the committee.

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A smaller, more compatible regular expression engine for XS

Introduction The JavaScript language includes support for regular expressions, a compact and powerful tool to perform search and replace operations on strings. Regular expressions can be considered a separate language within JavaScript, with its own syntax and behaviors.

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A Color Picker for Microcontrollers

The color wheel is a common user interface element in desktop and mobile apps that allows the user to select a color. User interfaces to select a color are rare on displays powered by embedded microcontrollers. When present, the interface is primitive, perhaps an array of color boxes.

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Compiling JavaScript on Embedded Devices

We’ve recently enabled the JavaScript eval function on embedded devices using the XS JavaScript engine. Our long-held position is unchanged: it is almost always a bad idea to compile JavaScript on an embedded device.

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Web Services Series Part 2: Making Secure Network Requests

The first article of this series describes how to issue HTTP requests in applications built with the Moddable SDK using information from REST APIs. This article builds on the concepts from the first article and explains how to use the Moddable SDK’s TLS stack in applications to make HTTPS requests.

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