Moddable Community Resources

The Moddable community provides many ways to interact with other developers to ask questions, discuss ideas, and share knowledge.

  • Discussions

    To ask questions about the Moddable SDK, GitHub Discussions is a good place to start. Questions and ideas can be posted to the Moddable community. The Moddable team monitors Github Discussions and often answers questions there.

  • Moddable Monthly Community Call

    Every month we get together for an informal community call to talk about embedded JavaScript news including Moddable SDK updates, ECMA-419, events, and interesting projects. This is a community event so bring your announcements to share and questions to ask.

  • Issues

    To report a bug in the Moddable SDK, use GitHub Issues. Reporting bugs is very helpful, even if there's a workaround, because it ensures the problem can be fixed for all developers using the Moddable SDK.

  • Real-time chat

    The Moddable community uses Gitter for realtime conversations. This is a good place to ask a quick question before opening a Discussion or Issue.

  • Tweet

    While a little unusual, some questions can be answered with a tweet. Mention @moddabletech in the tweet to make sure Moddable is notified.

  • Contact Us

    For questions that aren't appropriate for these communication channels, please contact Moddable directly by email. Please understand that Moddable provides technical support by email only to our commercial clients.